13. Progesterone: Mood Swings, Migraines and Fertility

On this episode of The Woman’s Vibrancy Code, we are talking about progesterone, the female sex hormone that plays an important role in women’s health. Maraya answers questions like why is it important, what happens when progesterone is low and how it affects mood swings, migraines and fertility. This is an episode that is especially important for those with PCOS or 35 years old and older. Tune in as Maraya shares helpful solutions to increase progesterone and start feeling better!


  • [02:14] What is progesterone

  • [04:45] Why is progesterone important for fertility and menopause specifically
  • [06:58] Reasons you might have low progesterone
  • [09:43] How low thyroid levels is associated with low progesterone
  • [11:43] How progesterone impacts women with PCOS
  • [15:00] What are the symptoms
  • [15:42] What are the solutions – how to increase progesterone


  • Progesterone is a female sex hormone that plays a key role in the menstrual cycle, as well as pregnancy maintenance. It affects mood, irritability, sleep, bone health,  mental clarity, and more.
  • The functional medicine approach to low progesterone is to address gut health, adrenal health, liver health, thyroid health, and hormonal wellbeing first before resorting to prescriptions or synthetic hormonal birth control.
  • Increased progesterone can be achieved through stress management and eating healthy fats. Additionally Green tea, Chaste Tree Berry, adaptogenic elixirs, zinc, and magnesium are just a few supplements that aid in the maintenance and increase of progesterone levels.


Vibrant Life Workshop – To get Maraya’s streamlined roadmap to more energy, upleveled hormones and to feel turned on by your life, your lover and yourself, register for the next free Vibrant Life Workshop. Enjoy a personalized and live deep dive with Maraya Brown to address your foundational energy, hormones and libido (without the first step being the next medication) so you can uplevel how you pour into all the people and ways you serve in the world.


Maraya Brown is a Yale and Functional Medicine Trained CNM, MSN with her undergraduate degree in marketing. Her work online brings her 21 years of experience supporting women together in one place to co-create deep transformation, energy and passion. Maraya is the founder of this Podcast and does a great deal of work with women to expand their libido.

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DISCLAIMER: The podcasts available on this website have been produced for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. Listeners should take care to avoid program content which may not be suited to them.

The contents of this podcast do not constitute medical or professional advice, No person listening to and/or viewing any podcast from this website should act or refrain from acting on the basis of the content of a podcast without first seeking appropriate professional advice and/or counseling, nor shall the information be used as a substitute for professional advice and/or counseling. The Women’s Vibrancy Code Podcast expressly disclaims any and all liability relating to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all contents of this site.

About Maraya Brown:

Maraya is a Yale and Functional Medicine Trained CNM, MSN with her
undergraduate degree in marketing. She helps women feel turned on by their life, their lover and themselves. Her work online brings her 21 years of experience supporting women together in one place to co-create deep transformation, energy and passion. Maraya is the founder of this Podcast and does a great deal of work with women to expand their energy, hormones, libido, confidence and much much more.