Creating a Life You Love: Beyond Emotional Eating

If you’ve ever regained the weight after a diet, you are not alone. What are the actual stats on weight in the U.S.? From the CDC’s website page¹. “The prevalence of obesity was 42.4% in 2017~2018. From 1999–2000 through 2017–2018, the prevalence of obesity increased from 30.5% to 42.4%, and the prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4.7% to 9.2%. The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the United States was $147 billion in 2008 US dollars; the medical cost for people who have obesity was $1,429 higher than those of normal weight.”
6 Natural Ways to Prevent and Treat Menstrual Cramps

At Beyond the Red Tent we are big believers in empowering women to care for their own bodies and their own health in natural ways. Yoni steaming is a time honored practice and we love the herbs available from Soul Vibrance. We’re grateful to the team at Soul Vibrance for sharing this wonderful resource on preventing and treating menstrual cramps. If you suffer from mild to severe menstrual cramps, you are in good company. According to some estimates, nearly 85% of adolescent and adult women experience some degree of menstrual cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea.
Tools for a Positive & Empowered Birth

What comes to mind when you hear “Positive and Empowered Birth?” When I hear the statement “positive and empowered birth” I have so many thoughts that come to my mind. Let me start by saying my hope for all birthing women is for them to have a positive and empowered birth experience no matter the circumstances. When they look back at their birth experiences in their minds good feelings and emotions come up for them. Having said that, how can we practically get there?
Mom Interrupted: A Podcast About Life

Towards healing, and reparenting ourselves while showing up in an authentic and connected way for our children. My name is Courtney Peritore-Montagne and I have created this vision by reflecting on my own life experience. As a homeschooling, home-birthing mother of five, I feel called to help women connect on a deep level with themselves so they can parent from this place of deep and reverent connection.
Your Sex Hormones and Genetics -What You Need to Know Right Now

What do hormones have to do with genetic disposition? Well, it turns out – quite a bit. Hormones are chemical messages that are produced in one place but have an interesting cascading effect on every other system in your body. Especially true for women- your sex hormones impact every facet of your health. But different hormones affect your body in distinct ways. Throughout the female menstrual cycle, hormonal levels fluctuate.
It’s True: You Might Not Need That Pelvic Exam

There is so much confusion and misinformation when it comes to pelvic exams: what they entail, what they can and cannot diagnose, and how often they are necessary. In this time of telemedicine, people are surprised to learn that yes, actually, I can do many visits remotely. When I was in residency (before computers or Snapchat or memes! Yes, I am old!), we were encouraged to do A LOT of pelvic exams. I always felt sorry for the unfortunate woman who would show up at a teaching hospital with pelvic pain.
Do You Feel out of Sync With Your Cycle? Here’s How to Get in Tune With the Rhythm of Your Body.

We understand the seasons outside in nature; winter, spring, summer and fall. We get that there are times for planting new seeds, growth, harvesting and hibernation. It’s all around us BUT it’s also within us. You too need to honour the various seasons of your own life, your energy levels and of your female cycle. Your female body is not designed to be in a constant season of growth, accomplishment, productivity, and getting stuff done. This mode of always hustling through your life could be the very reason why you are feeling tired, worn out, with adrenal fatigue, digestive upset and a thyroid imbalance.
De-Schooling: Are You Ready to Reimagine Education?

De-Schooling Means Thinking Differently. Reimagining education starts with de-schooling. A process often mentioned in homeschooling communities, it’s considered a vital part of the alternative education journey. Whether you intend to send your kids back to school or not when they re-open, the process of de-schooling is still going to be vital to your learning journey at home over the coming months.
Can CBD Help Hormonal Imbalances?

We know that the connection between the ECS and endocrine system is strong, but before you start taking CBD oil for hormone imbalance, it’s good to know the specific ways in which CBD can help. So, does CBD help balance hormones? And if yes, which ones? What specific issues can be tackled with CBD? Let’s find out. Menstruation is a normal periodical reproductive process that nevertheless can cause extreme pain to many women. There are many reasons why a period can be debilitating to certain people, including extreme cramps, excessive bleeding, and diarrhea.
Why Do You Work The Way You Work?

I sometimes feel that coronavirus has put me in a fishbowl with a magnifying glass, where I can observe in minute detail the subtle dynamics of the way I live. It’s given permission to question many things that I took for granted before. One of the most significant shifts I’m detecting, and observing in others as well, is a deep wish to work in a way that is more natural, alive and nourishing. This is an area where I’ve already done a lot because I teach people how to work light instead of working hard, but this new energy is different.