Hacking Hormones So I Feel Vibrant

Women around the world report many of the symptoms below and what I hear is: My hormones are out of whack! Here’s what they report: I feel exhausted and sometimes feel like my energy is “buzzing” at the same time. I have lost my libido. I have hypothyroidism. I’ve been told I have PCOS. My periods are heavy, unpredictable, long and painful. I am suffering from hot flashes, inability to sleep through the night, and I’m just not feeling myself. Sex is painful and my vaginal dryness is no fun.
Not Turned on by your Life, Lover or Yourself? Get Your Groove Back!

Maraya Brown is one of the experts joining us for the Hormone and Wellness Summit, April 16th, 25th & 30th. She’ll be talking about a functional approach to hormone health. Join us! I love orgasms, feeling sexy, sensual, fun, and creative. I bet you do too, or at least you did at one point. Let’s get that back! What I hear from women are things like: I don’t desire sex like I used to. I’m exhausted and juggling too many things. I’m postpartum and feel over-touched, over-needed. My vagina doesn’t feel the same.
How Mineral and Metal Balance Affects Hormone Health

Do you know how mineral and metal balance affects your hormone health? Did you know that if you don’t have the right mineral balance in your body you won’t be making the right hormones? Did you know that if you have metals accumulating in your body they are potentially causing illness, both mental and physical? Have you had your mineral or metals quantities tested Do you know what the minerals in your body are doing, both good and bad?
9 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships

The interactions you have with food should be nurturing and fulfilling, but it is often too common that we develop unhealthy relationships with food. Food holds incredible power to nourish our bodies, represent cultures, create connection and unite communities. Food also has the power to create disease, evoke feelings of shame and guilt, and provide a numbing escape from life’s pain and suffering. Food quality, fad diets, marketing, and a busy life contribute to and complicate our relationship with food. Your relationship with food should be treated like any other relationship in your life.
Transitioning Off Hormonal Birth Control

Did you know 70% of women are on Hormonal Contraceptives for reasons other than Pregnancy Prevention? Are you….. Experiencing Symptoms of Hormone Havoc on a Hormonal Contraceptive? Terrified to come off because that last time you tried, things did NOT go well? Planning to have a baby in the next 1-2 years? Are you currently on the pill or any hormonal contraceptive? Did you know….. It takes a minimum of 3 months (but realistically more like 6-12 months) after coming off the pill to realign your body and hormones, including knowing what the heck is happening with your menstrual cycles, before your body is even ready to consider having a baby.
The Follicular Phase: The bridge between menstruation and ovulation

The follicular phase is like a bridge between menstruation and ovulation. It begins after your period and goes until ovulation. During this phase, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) encourages follicles in your ovaries to grow. Each follicle contains an egg, and each egg matures and develops leading up to your ovulation. One of these follicles will become the dominant one and release an egg during ovulation. As these follicles grow, they release a special type of estrogen, called estradiol. This is one of 3 estrogens, and typically the only one tested in blood work.
Fertility and Foods: A recipe for building fertility

There is nothing more comforting than a hearty, nutritious bowl of homemade soup. Not only are soups known to promote healthy digestion, but they also support the reproductive organs, which correspond to the Water element in Chinese medicine, favoring cooked foods, slowly simmered in liquid. As an added bonus, the corresponding flavor of the water element is salt, so to build your fertility, immunity and combat stress, I recommend cutting up pieces of dried seaweed like kombu and wakame and adding them to any soups, stews, hot breakfast cereals, and casseroles.
This could be your sister. A story of abuse.

Darkness can take many forms in this world. This is a story about how to survive. Today is the day after the winter solstice. Today marks the time where days will begin to get longer and become lighter. The time when the truth will become illuminated. It is time to shine a light on the dark places I have walked through. One of the reasons I have been hesitant to speak my story aloud (or put it into writing) is because I didn’t know where to start. I believe that all of our life experiences and choices are ever-evolving and culminating and building on each other to land us exactly where we are supposed to be at any given moment.
I Went to the Food Bank for the First Time Today

You see, I am a mom. I am a woman who has at one point in my life gone shopping and thought nothing of spending $500-$1,000 in one store. I am a mom who made it a point for years to donate a bag of non-perishables to the food bank. I am hard working and entrepreneurial. I am well educated and less than seven years ago made $200,000 on the sale of a home. I have also been unable to pay my bills every month for more than a year, have no health insurance and when I fill up my gas tank or buy groceries, it simply is added to my credit card balances.
Is the Pill Killing Your Future Fertility?

Now that you have found the partner you want to spend your life with, you may not be ready to have a baby, just yet… So what now? First, how far away are babies for you 3 months, 6 months or 12 months? Are you currently on the pill or any hormonal contraceptive? Did you know….. It takes a minimum of 3 months (but realistically more like 6-12 months) after coming off the pill to realign your body and hormones, including knowing what the heck is happening with your menstrual cycles, before your body is even ready to consider having a baby.