What Motherhood Teaches Me: Letting Go

You’ve just gone through the marathon of birth, you’re holding your new baby and “it” happens. You begin to label this child as “yours,” how could you not? You’ve never loved another human this much and it’s overwhelming. It’s your job to make sure this baby thrives and grows up to be an amazing adult… it’s all up to you. “Your child” has now become your main focus and priority in life.
I have herpes. I still have sex. You’re not alone.

It felt kind of like paper cuts on my labia. It burned when I urinated. It itched a bit. I remember the fever and flu I had around the same time, but I didn’t put two and two together. I was 20 and I had only just started having sex. This was my second time… I went into the clinic and they told me something, but to be honest, I don’t really remember what they said. I think I got a prescription. I think there was something around the importance of using condoms…I honestly don’t remember. He said he had been checked for everything and didn’t have any infections. I was on birth control… We broke up.
8 Steps to Break Through Your Blocks With the Power of Intuition

RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. How many times have you resisting growth or change in your life because your Intuition was telling something that you didn’t want to hear? “That can’t be right. It doesn’t make any sense.” ”That is scary…there is no way I am doing that!” Despite what we might like to think, Intuition is more than our ‘yes’-man (or woman). And our Intuition will definitely call us out on our BS. We can lie to ourselves; but Intuition will never lie to us. Sometimes the truth hurts.
How to Prevent or Treat a Cold

The cold and flu season is upon us once again. The following is a ton of information designed to help you protect yourself from getting sick this winter – and what to do if your efforts fail. General recommendations for preventing colds… Help your immune system to function optimally by getting enough sleep, exercising (but not excessively), managing stress, eating an abundance of raw, colorful vegetables every day, keeping sugar to a low level, avoiding foods to which you are sensitive or allergic and testing for and correcting any underlying nutritional deficiencies.
Tapping Into Your Inner Healer: Heal Your Body, Heal Your Life

Do you want to know one of the world’s best kept secrets? You have an inner magic that gives you the power to heal all aspects of your life: your Intuition. This sublime inner guidance system is the source of our body’s natural wisdom — and is the secret to genuine healing. The more we learn to live, play, eat and move by our Intuition, the more healthy, pain-free and happy our lives will become! How exactly does Intuition lead us to well-being?
There’s No Such Thing as Prevention: On Risk Reduction & Functional Medicine

“There is no such thing as prevention,” declared Dr. Tamara Sachs of New Milford. (A little gasp escapes me and I’m thinking “Omigosh. Sacrilege. ‘Prevention’ is my middle name for Pete’s sake.”). Then she does it again: “Prevention is just a misnomer — a great idea but you can’t always ‘prevent’ stuff.” I have to agree. “So,” she continued, “whenever prevention ‘fails’ we blame the patient. People feel so guilty and say, ‘Oooo, I smoked for a few years but quit 10 years ago — why do I have lung cancer? There must be something wrong with me.'”
On Birth: A Letter to My Children

Giving birth to all three of you was, well how should I put it… absolutely and completely amazing. All three times I held you in my arms, my sweet new baby, I said out loud, “I want to do that again.” Like a thrilling helicopter ride over the volcanic lava flow, overwhelming, humbling, exhilarating, and at times intimidating. Amazing to be in the air, grateful to be back on land. In awe to see your beauty and perfection. Unlike that helicopter ride, after childbirth we gained a new being, a new member of our family, a new delight to get to know and to watch fumble and learn, to hold during times of pain and to celebrate with during times of growth.
How Breathing Can Impact Your Growing Baby & Affect Natural Delivery

Is it possible that breathing can impact the position and movement of a developing baby? The answer is YES. Inside our “core” there is an abdominal cylinder that helps us regulate our internal pressure. If that pressure becomes too great in one or more directions, weakness or pain can occur. For example, if we are lacking normal spinal motion, we set our abdominal muscles up to be in an over lengthened position. This can lead to increased round ligament pain, which can feel like a deep, sharp stretching sensation that begins or worsens with movement.
Letting Go: On the Journey of Miscarriage

My husband and I were filled with hope. We were pregnant with our first baby, we were on an adventure driving from Southern Oregon with the final destination of Juneau Alaska…For new temporary jobs and a 3 month adventure. We had rented out our Hawaii home and adventure and hope were in front of us. Driving the famous highway 99, “the Sea to Sky Highway”, we watched scuba Divers jump in the freezing Marine Sanctuary, drove one of the most beautiful landscapes we’d seen in a very long time, and stopped at waterfalls and explored a bit of Whistler.
Aligning With Your Cycle Rhythm: How it Works

In the same way that all humans follow a 24-hour Circadian Rhythm (meaning, about a day), we women follow an approximate 28-day body clock, which I’ve coined a Circamene Rhythm (sur-kay-mena, meaning, about a month). We are lunar rhythmic beings and that’s a game changer and crucial detail to understand for our health, wellbeing, and happiness.