39. Vaginal Dryness Through Perimenopause And Menopause

In today’s episode of The Women’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya dives into the source of vaginal pain and vaginal dryness. Many women come to Maraya struggling through postpartum, perimenopause, menopause, or have concerns about their vaginal health. In this episode, we look at some of the causes and specific things you can do.
38. Free To Be with Dr. Shefali

In today’s episode of The Women’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya is joined by a leader in the field of mindfulness psychology Dr. Shefali to talk about reclaiming feminine power and the freedom to simply be. The healing journey begins with our inner child and stays with us through adulthood, as past experiences and conforming to expectations have lasting effects into our relationships. It’s by embracing our own feminine power and destigmatizing our own beliefs and personal relationships with our own bodies that we can begin our transformations and stand in our own power, even when at conflict in relationships. Dr. Shefali talks about how her courses are designed to empower women to embody their feminine power and relinquish control, allowing their needs to be met and their pleasure prioritized, leading to stronger and healthier relationships.
37. Adrenal support and adaptogens for fatigue, hormones and immune support

In today’s episode of The Women’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya dives into the source of so many health complaints, from fatigue to low libido and more: adrenals. Did you know that a LOT of your long-term vibrancy complaints might be linked to poor adrenal function? Brain fog, digestive issues, exhaustion, rashes – they can all be because of adrenal issues. One of the BEST ways to get your adrenal function back in balance is through adaptogens and what I like to refer to as “adaptogen elixirs.” These are strategic mixes of different adaptogens, mixed with a protein and fat source and taste amazing, to promote your long-term adrenal health. In this episode, we look at what different adaptogens are recommended, where to find them, what issues they address and so much more. Are you ready to correct your adrenal issues?
36. Feminine Power and Presence with Tressa Yonekawa Bundren

In today’s episode of The Women’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya is joined by esteemed human-centered consultant Tressa Yonekawa Bundren to explore feminine power, intuition, presence, self-trust and more. Women’s success and equality has historically been blocked. “We won’t give you the funding, but I’ll take you out for a drink” she was told. As Tressa and Maraya discuss, a woman’s empowerment comes from making deliberate choices to stand in the truth of our power. In order to stand in our own power, we need to look inward, question and learn to trust ourselves. That may sound easier said than done, but this episode eases listeners into the concepts and practices. Embodying feminine power and presence doesn’t just affect our reality – it gives our next generation of females permission to do the same. They do what we do, not what we say we will do.
35. The 411 on Vaginal Odors and Health

In today’s episode of The Women’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya discusses a common female worry: vaginal health, odors and discharge. Talking about the smells and emissions down there has been often stigmatized to be an uncomfortable subject, but it’s simply a regular part of health and of healthy maintenance. Differences in discharge type and pH levels are usually nothing to worry about, and can stem from a variety of internal or environmental factors – and the same goes for vaginal odors. Except in rare extreme cases, most have a relatively harmless root cause and any lingering issues can be fixed with lifestyle tweaks or simple remedies, as Maraya explores in an accessible and informative talk.
34. Intimacy and passion your whole life long with Susan Bratton

In today’s episode of The Women’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya is joined by renowned intimacy wellness expert Susan Bratton to discuss female libido on a deep level. In our society, talking openly about feminine sexual desire – and sexual hesitancies – is often looked on as taboo. However, sex from a patriarchal standpoint is often celebrated. That leaves many women lost and feeling disconnected, especially when they are experiencing low bouts of libido. It’s possible to experience passion and healthy intimacy at any age for women, and a lot of the work of uncovering intimacy disconnections comes from a variety of places: past trauma, physical pain, a lack of understanding of a woman’s own anatomy, lack of supplements, etc. By speaking frankly and openly about sex both anatomically and intellectually, this episode helps get to the heart of reclaiming libido at any age.
33. My Journey to Finding Myself Again and How You Can Too

In today’s episode of The Women’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya explores vibrancy and – especially – the common feeling of having depleted physical/emotional/hormonal vibrancy. When you were younger, did waking up feeling mentally and physically and emotionally fresh seem easier? As we age, it’s very common that we feel diminished, but common does not mean normal. Perhaps you’re sluggish or experiencing bloating or you’re not as connected to your passion as you once were. Maraya shares her own personal journey with feeling disconnected and out of step and what steps she took to reclaim her vibrancy, as well as sharing helpful thought patterns and personal action steps for getting back in sync. Plus, she dives into the upcoming Vibrant Life Workshop for maximum impact.
32. How do you know you’re making the right choice? With Laura Berman Fortgang, as seen on Oprah

In today’s episode of The Women’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya is joined by internationally renowned coach, Laura Berman Fortgang, to dig into decision-making. With so many paths in life, so many options and obstacles, how can you really know if you’re making the right choice? For a lot of women – most women, in fact – decision-making is tied to identity, which is also tied to complicated life history. Your lived experiences of the past and present define not only how you identify and perceive yourself, but how you make decisions. As your life changes and takes new directions, it’s important to take a look at both past and present motivations to unpack decision-making. As a whole, the process of reinvention can be an intuitive one – we’re so often in our heads and answering to outside perceptions, that it’s important to get back to our basic concepts of self, wants and identities. In today’s episode, Maraya and Laura look at what drives decision-making, how to be more in tune with the right decisions, when to realign your choices and more!
31. Adrenal Health: Solutions for Fatigue, Weight Gain, Anxiety, Insomnia and Loss of Libido

In today’s episode of The Women’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya looks at those fair-weather friends, the adrenals. Did you know that adrenal balance is directly related to multiple common issues? If you’re experiencing seemingly unexplained weight gain, loss of libido, a lackluster immune system, fatigue and exhaustion, and/or anxiety, your adrenals could be a root cause. Many external factors, such as stress, early trauma, diet, etc. can affect cortisol spikes which, in turn, do a number on the adrenals. And when the adrenals are out of whack, they manifest symptoms throughout your hormones and body, causing everything from gut issues to brain fog to irritability and more. In today’s episode, Maraya covers the many symptoms and triggers of adrenal issues, as well as how to treat them – and what to avoid for your healthiest adrenal state!
30. The Consciousness & Subconsciousness of Conception: Discussing the Birthing Journey with Elena Tonetti

In today’s episode of The Women’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya welcomes special guest Elena Tonetti, legendary Spiritual Midwife and founder of Birth Into Being. How can we as women prepare for pregnancy and birth? How do we know when we’re ready – and how can we help make ourselves ready? The body is an amazing thing, storing memories within itself that we don’t even consciously know are there. From the good (the innate memory of birth) to the bad (trauma), how we store and access those inner memories plays a huge role in having a positive pregnancy and birth. In today’s episode, we take a deep, deep dive into birth and the body. Elena shares her wisdom on the body’s (and mind’s) readiness for the birthing process, how not just trauma, but also hormone production affects the birthing process, the importance of pleasure, understanding free will, exploring the generational wonder of childbirth and how it creates imprints from mother to daughter and so on, and so much more.