Is Your Business Sterile or Fertile?

We’ve been learning all about permaculture, building soil fertility and observing how nature recovers when it has a chance to rest. One of my reasons for moving onto the land was to explore an ecosystem from the inside and bring what I learn into my work on money. This morning I recognized the connection between what we’re doing with our land and how we can support our business. It seems to me that the old approach to business is leaving people, businesses and the planet increasingly exhausted.
The #1 step to balancing your hormones

What’s the first step when it comes to balancing your hormones Believe or not, it’s tracking your cycle. And perhaps most importantly, it’s the first step toward living a life that is in greater alignment with how you truly want to feel. Cycle Syncing is an opportunity to understand the fluctuating nature of your female cycle, and how to best support yourself during each phase. Using cycle syncing and working in synchronicity with the 4 phases of your female cycle is a powerful process!
The Secret to Finding Peace with your Body

There is nothing more annoying than being around someone judgmental and whiny. You know the type. They are constantly finding fault with the world. The waiter is too slow. Their husband is too touchy. Her pants are too tight, and so on. What we do not realize is that we are often that person towards ourselves. I was a prime example of this negative complaining, and it was all focused around my body image. This inward look was consuming my life. I have learned from experience that there is nothing more awful than living with your own worst enemy. What about you? Are you beating yourself up right now?
Unspoken Needs – The Enemy of Intimacy

Are intimate relationships really possible? (Spoiler Alert – Yes!) But first, we need to learn to communicate our needs with our partner. Unfortunately, it is far too common for us to hold a fairytale view of what an intimate relationship should be like. Our society supports the idea that there is one soul mate out there for us who will intuitively fulfill our every need and fantasy, a person who loves what we love, does what we do, and will spend every waking hour tending to our needs and desires. Reality, of course, is very different from fantasy.
Why I don’t recommend Intermittent Fasting

You’ve probably heard of someone who has lost a bunch of weight while doing intermittent fasting. So, what could be so bad about it? First, let me ask you this…..How stressed have you been lately? Intermittent fasting taxes the adrenal system, and most of us are already dealing with adrenal issues! Especially now, with stress levels being higher than ever. In fact, when I get lab results from people who are new to intermittent fasting, I see that their cortisol levels are through the roof. This isn’t good, as high cortisol levels can lead to lots of health problems.
Understanding Partnership and Understanding Women

If you’re longing to better understand your feminine self, your relationship dynamics, your libido, your hormones, why you feel so hurt emotionally at times etc…this is for you. Maraya had the privilege of interviewing Alison Armstrong this past week and we knew you would love the content. Information about Alison’s work is available on her website. Referred by: BTRT. So lets grab our water/tea and a yummy snack and enjoy…or go on a walk with your earbuds and listen while you enjoy nature.
NUMEROLOGY 2021 – Revolutionary Change

We made it! 2020 put us through the ringer, some of us more than others. This has inspired quite a bit of compassion within me. Can we just take a moment now to acknowledge ourselves and all the places that we have grown and strengthened? So often as women we have incredibly high expectations of ourselves which makes it even more important to celebrate our wins! Even if you consider them small. After a little celebration and acknowledgement what you may consider a small win can begin to feel like a great accomplishment. So pat yourself on the back, do a little dance, eat some chocolate, or throw a party (on zoom?) and give yourself the credit you deserve! It was no easy feat.
Your Story Can Change The World

Your Story Can Change The World. We, as women, have stories to share. We, as women, have examples of coming together in yards and coffee houses and kitchens and conference rooms to confide to one another these stories. We, as women, have kept journals and secrets. We have longings and desires. We have dreams we have yet to fulfill. We have faced challenges, trials and traumas and have acquired capacities, resilience and wisdom. We also have conditioned to deny, minimize and not speak our truth. We have been conditioned to not take up too much space.
Empowering Priorities

It’s a new year! What in the heck does that even signify? No matter what your approach to this time, it seems worthy to spend some energy reflecting on what went well over the past 12 months and your vision for the next 12 months. The ability to prioritize your time and energy, while setting goals will indeed impact the trajectory for years to come. And not every journey starts out “once upon a time.” I know mine didn’t, but as I reflect, I’m grateful for the experiences that have brought me to today. So, let’s start with a story.
The Power of Practice: why it is the most important thing

The Zen Buddhist monk Suzuki Roshi has a quote , “The most important thing to remember is the most important thing.” It often brings a chuckle and as ironic as it is, most of us can relate to the amnesia that has us forgetting what matters most in our lives; what we care most deeply about, especially as we go about tending the endless brushfires and chaotic movements of modern life- often accompanied by a sense of urgency that is more a sign of a riled up nervous system and less about the importance of the thing in front of us.