Dr. Antoinette Falco is one of the experts joining us for the Hormone and Wellness Summit, April 16th, 25th & 30th. She’ll be talking about non-pharmaceutical options for contraception. Join us!
Transitioning off Hormonal Birth Control from Antoinette Falco on Vimeo.
Did you know 70% of women are on Hormonal Contraceptives for reasons other than Pregnancy Prevention?
Are you…..
Experiencing Symptoms of Hormone Havoc on a Hormonal Contraceptive?
Terrified to come off because that last time you tried, things did NOT go well?
Planning to have a baby in the next 1-2 years?
Are you currently on the pill or any hormonal contraceptive?
Did you know…..
It takes a minimum of 3 months (but realistically more like 6-12 months) after coming off the pill to realign your body and hormones, including knowing what the heck is happening with your menstrual cycles, before your body is even ready to consider having a baby.
Perhaps it’s time to consider your options beyond hormonal birth control.
Dr. Antoinette created the Pill Freedom Method™, an evidence-based program to help women transition off hormonal birth control with confidence, control of hormonal side effects and a clear understanding of their hormone heath and future fertility. To apply, please schedule your Hormone Discovery Call to see if this program could be right for you.
Reserve your spot for the Hormone & Wellness Summit, April 16th, 25th, & 30th!

Dr. Antoinette Falco
Dr. Antoinette Falco is an integrative hormone, fertility & pregnancy health expert. As a Naturopathic Doctor and Fertility Awareness Educator with a special interest in Women’s Health, she helps women find their ‘hormone heaven’ and discover their period potential.