23. What Causes Brain Fog In Women? Let’s Cover Solutions.

Today’s topic on the Women’s Vibrancy Code is brain fog! Do you ever find yourself struggling to place a word and the word won’t come, or you find it difficult to stay engaged in a conversation? These are common symptoms of brain fog that we’ll be discussing along with looking at some solutions. For some women, it’s as simple as increasing sleep, decreasing stress, and improving gut health. However, Maraya also talks about brain fog as it relates to depression, perimenopause, and thyroid conditions. If you struggle with brain fog, listen up for helpful feedback and tips on how to increase mental clarity.

22. Lucid Dreaming & Spiritual Success w/ Self Made Millionaire Cynthia Stant

In today’s episode, Cynthia Stant joins us to discuss aligned results, the conscious and subconscious mind, and lucid dreaming. In this powerful episode, Cynthia discusses how everything in the physical isn’t actually who you are; it is who you were. Everything you did in the past is what got you to where you are today. You can change your life through aligned thoughts, feelings, and actions that will get you aligned results. She also walks us through how to get into lucid dreaming so you can change your subconscious to reflect how you want your future self to live.

21. PMS Solutions For Women of All Ages

Let’s talk about PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome. All women have experienced this in one way or another, but just because it’s common doesn’t mean it has to be normal. On today’s episode of the Women’s Vibrancy Code, your host Maraya is talking about what happens in your body during PMS and how an increase in estrogen is what exacerbates the most common symptoms like irritability, gut issues, and low energy. Like other aspects of our health, this is a journey, not a destination. Tune in to this insightful conversation to get tips on how to naturally lower estrogen in your body during PMS and in turn minimize those pesky PMS symptoms.

20. Jealousy & Creative Non-Monogamy with Dr. Joli Hamilton

Dr. Joli Hamilton has spent years studying the unique aspects of romantic relationships and helps couples who color outside the lines to create partnerships that are custom built for their authentic selves. Today on the Women’s Vibrancy Code, Dr. Joli, the jealousy expert, defines what creative consensual non-monogamy is and what it is not. She and Maraya discuss how jealousy and envy are different and how to have more vibrant and honest relationships by addressing the “monogamy” elephant in the room!

19. Irritability & Anxiety for Women, Maraya’s Story of Miscarriage

Today’s episode is a little different than our typical conversations that are filled with nitty-gritty solutions and action steps. Maraya is opening up about her story in hopes that other women can relate with it and find triumph in their own journey with irritability, depression and miscarriage. As you listen, whatever struggle you are currently in the midst of or whatever trauma has been a part of your past, those setbacks can be viewed as a setup for finding your passions and getting to a place of being turned on by your life, lover and yourself!

18. Painful Periods/Intimacy, Interstitial Cystitis, Incontinence and Injection Therapy with Dr. McClane Duncan

Let’s talk about Injection Therapy and Ozone Therapy, revolutionary naturopathic approaches to treat pain and inflammation in women. Dr. McLane Duncan, a naturopathic physician and founder of Siskiyou Vital Medicine, joins us to bring this important topic to light. So many women suffer from broad-spectrum gynecological pain and inflammation when naturopathic treatments are effective, yield long-lasting results, and are becoming more available. Tune in as Dr. Duncan breaks down these treatments and why they are so effective.

17. Depression And Brain Fog In Women, A Nutritional Approach

Let’s get into some nitty gritty action steps to take for those of you that find yourself feeling sad, feeling dull, or feeling like there’s a lack of motivation in your life. Depression and brain fog can be extremely debilitating. The perspective for today’s conversation is that we can combat depression with nutrition, supplementation and mindset to have more energy and mental clarity. Tune in as Maraya shares straightforward ways to get your gut microbiome rockin’, inflammation down, and discover more joy and passion in your life!

16. Women’s Power, Success and How to Honor the Journey

Today’s conversation is about harnessing your feminine power and finding fulfillment in life. Maraya is joined by fellow mom, coach and entrepreneur, Linda Evenden, who helps people supercharge their dreams with heart and courage to live their best life. Through mentorship, delegation, maximizing resources and balancing the femmine and masculine, Linda has found her true north and is sharing how we as beautiful ordinary women can do extraordinary things. Hear the quality questions you should be asking as you honor the journey and search for bliss.

15. DHEA: Stamina, Passion, Immune Health, Hormonal Health, One Simple Solution

Let’s chat about one simple solution that can literally help increase energy, passion, and immune health! Today, Maraya is talking about one of those secret things that many people don’t hear about and it’s called DHEA. This hormone precursor may not solve all of your problems but it has proven to be extremely powerful in being a solution to energy, passion and immune health as well as bone health, anti-aging, menopause and fertility. Listen in as Maraya explains what it is, her personal results with DHEA, how it helps, and how you can talk to your provider about it.

14. Connecting with Our Daughters Through a Pandemic, with Karen O’Dougherty

Are you a mother trying to navigate how to connect and support your adolescent or teenage daughter? On this episode of The Woman’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya is talking with Karen O’Dougherty who specializes in adolescence education and support for youth and their families. Maraya and Karen discuss what to do when you feel disconnected from your daughter and how to help her express herself se&ually, intellectually, emotionally and physically with others. Listen as Karen talks about the benefits of community parenting and shares helpful suggestions for improving mother daughter relationships.