What if every part of your life
felt lit up and turned on?

Energetically. Intellectually. Spiritually. Romantically. Sexually.

Apply for Enrollment in

The Women’s Vibrancy Code

Reinvent Your Relationship with Your Body,
Your Health, and LIFE ITSELF for a Lit Up,
Turned On, Totally Inspired You

“Once I stopped focusing on vanity and started caring for the
longevity of my body, everything changed.”

– Kathleen Cameron
Wealth & Manifestation Coach

Let me ask you,
gorgeous visionary woman.
Are you faking it?

We live in a “fake it ‘til you make it” society. Fake the happiness. Fake the ease. Fake the well-being. Fake the
orgasm. But what if, instead of going through life feeling
“fine” (which means blah. okay. so-so.) – you actually felt SPECTACULAR in your body?

Most women have no idea how GOOD
their bodies are designed to feel.
Instead, they look in the mirror one day,
and they no longer recognize themselves.

The Women’s Vibrancy Code is a roadmap, a community, and a team of wellness specialists, ready to help you experience a state of vibrant health
you probably never knew was possible.

“I wake up daily and tell myself how much I love myself and how proud I am of myself.”

“I am 1000% a different woman. I love me now for the
first time in my life. I’m so excited to share this moment
because I was in such a dark place and now I’m a totally
different person.”

– Maria Delaplain

Wellness can be simplified
into three flavors.


Most women exist in the middle.
Not quite sick enough to be admitted to the hospital.
Not feeling well enough to live life to the fullest.
While their minds are bright, their bodies are just…
sort of… EXISTING.

“I lost 9 inches off my body after 20+ years
of trying with no success.”

Staci Parks

They come to me with a long list
of frustrating symptoms and experiences:

  • No longer feeling like themselves
  • Feeling disappointed by what they see in the mirror
  • Low energy
  • Low libido
  • Bloated
  • Tired (and sometimes, burned out)
  • Unfocused
  • Unfulfilled
  • Unable to connect with their partner
  • Moody
  • Uninspired
  • Irregular bowels
  • Overweight
  • Not sleeping well
  • Brittle nails
  • Dull skin
  • Hair that’s thinning or falling out
  • Self-conscious
  • Unable to orgasm
  • Feeling ugly
  • Chronic gut discomfort
  • Hormones out of wack
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Loneliness
  • Bored
  • Irritable
  • Struggling with menopause
  • Lost
  • Confused

And the medical system can’t give them answers.

“I wanted to eat healthy but those foods made me bloated.”

“Before working with Maraya, I worked with a Chinese medicine doctor for a year,
hoping it would help with my gut health issues, but it never did. Now within a few
months of working with Maraya, I have more energy, better gut health, and better
mental health.”

Becky Diaz

Meanwhile, these women
are completely *rocking*
many other parts of their lives.
They have:

  • Successful Careers
  • Beautiful Families
  • Thriving Communities
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Intentions for Global Impact

And yet, there’s a veil of mystery
around their health. They know
what’s possible but they can’t quite
access the vibrancy, well-being,
and joy they want.

"She helped me realize I am not alone
in my women's health journey."

Robin Eisenbeis

Instead, they’ve come to me with a few disturbing
conclusions about why their bodies are so often
left out of the “success equation.”


They don’t put themselves at the top of their list.

Everyone else comes first – especially family and business. Now, their health suffers and they feel resentful because while they ensure everyone else’s cup is full, their own cup is empty.


Their success is essentially meaningless without their health.

Health is wealth. We’ve worked with billionaires, millionaires, the middle class, and the disenfranchised, and everyone agrees. The only thing that matters, in the end, is our health, and more than what we DO for a living, what matters is the person we BECOME in the process.


The medical system won’t help them.

For some reason, our medical system isn’t designed to create health. It’s designed to diagnose and treat disease. So the key foundational principles of health aren’t addressed, and women are told they’re “fine” even when they don’t FEEL fine. In most cases, they’re just given another prescription and sent on their way.


They can no longer afford to put their health on the back burner.

Women come to me when things need to change. They’re tired of restrictive diets, bandaid care, and quick-fix approaches. They want to access the vibrant, spectacular state of health that’s possible. They can no longer stomach their own excuses like being too busy or not having the money. The emotional labor that their lack of vitality creates is tarnishing their experience of life!


They can’t punish their bodies to spectacular health.

They’ve realized restriction is not the answer. Self-love, compassion, education, and restoring their sense of passion and joie de vivre is the only way.

“My painful bloating is gone, and
I can comfortably wear my pants again.”

I had been bloated for so long, it was driving me nuts. A FODMAP trial hadn’t worked.
Maraya saw it more like this whole big picture and connected all of these dots. Following
Maraya’s protocol, the bloating completely went away.”

Krista Vandersteen

The Women’s Vibrancy Code
is a sacred space to:

Regain your energy
Reignite your sexuality
Regulate your nervous system
Rebalance your hormones
Restore your gut health
Realign your boundaries
Recover your passion
Rejuvenate your spirit
Release your weight gain
Reimagine your diet
Reclaim your feminine
Recapture your spark
Resurrect your well-being
Rebuild your confidence
Reconnect with your spouse
Rediscover yourself

"I am definitely feeling better in my skin,
less inflammation and feeling lighter."

Brigitte Culhane

How to Reinvent Your Relationship with
Your Body, Your Health, & Life Itself with the
Women’s Vibrancy Code


Limited Edition Concierge Wellness

For those who desire all the best life has to offer

Imagine having every question answered privately, every test explained to you one-on-one, and every decision vetted by your team of experts. The Limited Edition Concierge Wellness package represents a significant investment in your health and well-being, as we create a total wellness transformation - rebirthing your vibrancy from head to toe. When you choose this option, you receive everything in the hybrid group program, as well as complimentary access to our in-person retreat.

Intimate Group Experience
with Private Support

For those who thrive in community

Some women prefer the joy of community. In my intimate, group container, you’ll immerse yourself in a whole new world of ease, intuition, and pleasure, as you learn to care for your body, mind, and spirit. You’ll have access to group calls and opportunities to connect with the entire WVC community, as well as lots of private support from our wellness experts.

Guiding You Through the
3 Phases of Health Transformation


Minimize or eliminate the issues requiring emotional labor.

We begin by addressing the issues that feel most urgent to you. Whether it’s the bloating, the extra weight, the brain fog, the symptoms of menopause, the migraines, or the lack of energy, we’ll get focused on working with you to identify the root cause of those issues and get both short-term and long-term solutions underway.


Make lifestyle changes
that elevate every aspect
of your life.

After any chronic, painful, or serious conditions are addressed, we’ll deep-dive into every area of holistic health. From adrenal health to hormone balancing to getting the best sleep of your life, we’ll systematically address every area of your body, mind, and spirit to rebuild a foundation of health the body can use to balance, realign, and restore its natural functioning.



Create spectacular, vibrant
health & a totally turned-on life

Again, most women don’t know what’s possible in life when they look and feel spectacular. They say the colors seem brighter, the possibilities come flooding in, and their confidence soars. You will experience an unsettling amount of joy, and from there, we go for the spectacular. The sublime. The multi-orgasmic. The whole package.


Let’s recap what’s in the
Women’s Vibrancy Code.

We are constantly adding to the 5-star experience that’s available to you. Currently, this program includes:
  • Weekly group coaching calls with Maraya
  • Private Facebook group
  • Private Voxer group
  • Private trauma release sessions
  • Private nutrition & dietetics sessions
  • Private sessions with Maraya
  • All functional medicine tests included
When you choose the private, concierge VIP
experience, you’ll receive everything listed on the side, as optional, plus:
  • Up to 4 additional 1:1 calls with Maraya & the wellness team
  • Unlimited text and Voxer support from Maraya
  • Complimentary 3-Day VIP Weekend
  • (accommodations included)
  • Complimentary attendance at a Women’s
  • Vibrancy Code Retreat

“But Maraya, what do you DO exactly?”

The Women’s Vibrancy Code is an approach for living life to achieve optimal
wellness, vibrant health, and lifelong libido.

Meet the Team

Maraya Brown, Women’s
Health Expert (CNM, MSN)

Maraya Brown is a Yale and Functional Medicine Trained Women’s Health Expert and the Founder of Women’s Vibrancy Code. In addition to her roles as a wife and mom, Maraya brings 22 years of experience supporting women all over the world to create deep transformation in their health. Prior to starting her own transformational health company, Maraya has managed Women’s Health in Federally Funded clinics and Functional Medicine private practices since 2007 and has been a part of international health endeavors in Nicaragua, Ghana, and Haiti.

Eva Clay, Licensed
Sex Educator,
Psychotherapist, and Coach

Eva Clay is a sexual revolutionary, a relentlessly curious intellectual, and a wild muse on a mission to make sex a spiritual practice. She supports women to claim sexual wholeness, power, and pleasure. She holds certifications and training in multiple modalities that support women in trauma resolution, somatic practices that reconnect them with their bodies, and various forms of therapy to support singles and couples to deepen their sexual health.

Katie Chapmon,
MS Registered Dietitian

Katie Chapmon, MS, RD is an award-winning Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over 13 years of experience in transforming lives through nutrition. She combines functional nutrition with a zest for approaching sustenance in a relatable way. Katie is also a national speaker, publication chapter author and reviewer and the proud recipient of the 2010 Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year Award and 2018 Excellence in Practice Award through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She also enjoys time hiking and cooking in the kitchen.

Scott Bowman,
Business and Life Coach

Scott Bowman is a business and life coach with more than fifteen years’ experience at the intersection of finding meaning and impact, breakthrough success and self-acceptance. He calls his practice “The Soul’s Adventure” inviting a deeper range of ambitions and aspirations to animate our vision for success. Along with twenty-five years’ experience with start-ups and conscious businesses, he has been a yoga teacher, lived as a caretaker in a log cabin, was a cabinet maker, and led and participated in men’s work for 13 years. His work focuses on encountering and embracing the full experience of our authentic selves and finding each of us, our own paths to a gratifying and just life.

Christie Nix,
RREST practitioner

Christie Nix understands the human narrative. As the co-founder of rREST, Christie is on a mission to revolutionalize the mental wellness industry. The rREST modality she uses to support trauma release rewires old triggers you developed as a child. Christie is a servant of others who combines passion, experience, and proven techniques to lovingly guide them toward optimal health and human performance, triumph over trauma, strengthened resilience, and improvement of overall well-being. Christie is also certified as a 200-hour Therapeutic Yoga Instructor and Reiki Master.

Guest Experts

Maraya and her team bring in guest experts to give you deeper insights on topics that are of interest to the group. Past guest experts have spoken on topics like EFT, Mindfulness Meditation, Chakra Clearing, and Intuition.

The Virtual Red Tent
Women Need


The Women’s Vibrancy Code is for all women ready to experience renewal. While you’ll receive personalized recommendations for your health & lifestyle needs, you’ll also be fed, nourished, and lifted up by our special community of women who are mutually hungry for transformation. We call this “the virtual red tent” because in ancient times, the red tent was a place women gathered to birth, bleed, and celebrate.

There’s a private Facebook group, an intimate Voxer chat, group trainings… but more than that – our women have formed lifelong relationships with each other. When you join The Women’s Vibrancy Code, you’re getting supportive accountability alongside women that root for each other in a way you’ve likely never experienced before.

Have you been missing the deep, tribal connection that only having a sincere, supportive group of female friends can give you? You’ll find it here.

“I can’t wait to see my husband now.
We got to fall in love all over again.”

Maria Delaplain

The Women’s Vibrancy
Code Guarantee

This program is incredibly rich with value, transformation, and resources. Women who join say the year they spend inside the Women’s Vibrancy Code always represents a turning point in their lives. They go from stressed to joyful, feeling unwell to full of energy, and crystal clear on how to care for their bodies for the rest of their lives. While we do not claim to diagnose, treat, or prevent disease, we guarantee that the education, tools, and experiences you have in WVC will offer you a new awareness of yourself and a new relationship with your body that you’ve never had before. With that being said, it is up to you to show up and participate in the program, to attend the coaching sessions, and to take the recommended actions. No refunds are provided, without exception.


The Decision to Receive

The decision to join the Women’s Vibrancy Code should be one you make with your heart and not
your head. Your health is, of course, of limitless value. It cannot be measured in dollars or in
years. It can only be measured in quality of life. The light in your eyes. The pep in your step. The
deep, lasting confidence you feel when you love what you see in the mirror and who you are becoming on the inside.

If your mind offers you “objections”, check-in. What does your intuition tell you? Is it time
for you to make a significant investment in:

  • Your energy levels
  • Your libido
  • Your romantic partnership
  • Your hormone health
  • Your mindset
  • Your healthy lifestyle
  • Your hair, skin, and nails
  • Your passion + purpose
  • Your gut health
  • Your body composition

If so, then be sure to watch out for these common sabotage patterns that we
can fall prey to:

Not prioritizing your wellness
Using time as an excuse
Prioritizing other financial commitments over YOU
Negative self-talk
“I’ll do it tomorrow” syndrome
Feelings like, “This is never going to change”
Putting your health on the backburner
Prioritizing business and career over your well-being
NOT putting yourself at the top of your list
Punishing yourself slim


We can unravel all of these patterns in the program but only if you say yes to investing in your
greatest asset – your mind, body, and spirit.

Are you afraid to try again?

The diet culture has failed you, gorgeous woman. I see so many women experience the crushing disappointment of that. We’ve been told if we focus on macros and calories, we can build a beautiful life – but it’s not true. Here’s the truth. The only way to achieve all your health goals is to immerse yourself in the deep, feminine wisdom of the female body.

The only way to create sustainable change is to adopt rich, juicy, delicious habits you LOVE and actually WANT to continue for the rest of your life. The only way is to look at yourself as a whole human being – from gut to thyroid to adrenals to stress to lifestyle – and bring it all together.

So if you’re afraid to try again, I want you to know that I get you and I see you. You are not broken. You have not failed. Something has failed YOU – and that something is misinformation, gimmicks, and quick fixes. Let me give you the real, true, and lasting strategies that have worked for centuries, and they’ll work for you.

Imagine Your Most Vibrant, Turned-On Life

Imagine your physique.
Your relationships.
Your energy levels.
Your skin.
Your libido.
Your sense of adventure.
Your wardrobe.
Your peace of mind.
Your optimism.
Your aliveness.
Your joy.

This is your invitation to create it all inside the Women’s Vibrancy Code.
After all, if we don’t have THAT, then what else really matters?

Still have questions? Don’t be shy to book a call.

Maraya would love to discuss your goals and help you make the choice that’s right for you.
Our programs range from $1200 to $100K+

No matter what you decide, decide this.
You matter MOST. Your health is everything.
And yes, you can have it all.