10. Activate Your Wealth Consciousness with Shamina Taylor

What does money mean to you? On this episode of The Woman’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya is speaking with business expert and spiritual mentor, Shamina Taylor about how to activate your wealth consciousness. Shamina helps driven women become wealthy and fulfilled by addressing emotional wounds, creating a mindset of abundance, and rewiring the relationship with money. Tune in as Shamina shares how she has manifested wealth, success, and love into her own life and how she empowers women to do the same.


  • [02:40] Shamina’s awakening and her journey to finding her calling as a became a wealth expert and spiritual mentor
  • [11:52] How to master masculine and feminine emotions and begin to create from a healthy emotional mindset
  • [17:26] How do you view money and material things and how to start making financial decisions from a place of desire not need
  • [20:12] How does Shamina help her clients create wealth and what are common triggers and resistance related to wealth building
  • [27:38] How are relationships and sex different when you are living in a place of abundance and safety instead of scarcity
  • [30:11] Shamina’s biggest takeaway after making 1 million dollars in 2021 and what are her current goals and dreams


  • When you learn to master your emotions, you no longer allow them to dictate how you feel, how you think, how you show up, or how you make decisions. You get to choose how you want to work through a particular situation or emotion. You become the master and learn that every emotional state you have is okay.
  • Wealth building begins with a rewiring of the relationship with money and making decisions from a state of desire not a state of need. In this state, material possessions no longer validate you.
  • As you cultivate limitless thoughts and beliefs, remember that more is always coming. Forget the timeline, remove how and when from your vocabulary and shift your mindset into a state of receiving and abundance.


Flip My Money Switch – Quantum Abundance Activation

Vibrant Life Workshop – To get Maraya’s streamlined roadmap to more energy, upleveled hormones and to feel turned on by your life, your lover and yourself, register for the next free Vibrant Life Workshop. Enjoy a personalized and live deep dive with Maraya Brown to address your foundational energy, hormones and libido (without the first step being the next medication) so you can uplevel how you pour into all the people and ways you serve in the world.


Shamina Taylor is an Attorney and Wealth Expert & Mentor who helps high achieving women level up in their personal lives and in their businesses by teaching them how to become the most powerful, fulfilled, wealthy, and successful version of themselves.

With over 20 years of experience, Shamina is a top industry leader and has helped hundreds of women build their businesses, both on- and off-line. Her top clients are making up to $75k a month in recurring revenue and have multiple 7 figure businesses. Shamina herself has had a record breaking year. Despite the pandemic, her business crossed the 7 figure cash received mark in less than 12 months.

Shamina has spoken at Thinkific’s Online Course Success Summit, The Wealth Summit, The Intuitive Entrepreneur, The Smarter Income Stream and was the keynote speaker at Oneness Festival. She is the creator of Infinite Wealth, Irresistible Offers, Magnetic Power, Emotional Self Mastery, Activating your Instant Manifestation Process System, Be The Standout: Make Them Stop Their Scroll, Impact, Influence: Leverage Your Social Media and several other online programs. With a following of over 45 thousand among her social media and email list she is a leading expert in marketing to organic and new businesses lead generation. For her expertise, Shamina has been featured on Washington DC’s ABC7, ABC Sacramento’s Your California Life, Medium’s Authority Magazine and Thrive Global.

Shamina Taylor Facebook Page

The Quantum Woman Facebook Group (Contains free masterclasses and meditations)

Shamina Taylor on Instagram

Shamina Taylor on YouTube

Maraya Brown is a Yale and Functional Medicine Trained CNM, MSN with her undergraduate degree in marketing. Her work online brings her 21 years of experience supporting women together in one place to co-create deep transformation, energy and passion. Maraya is the founder of this Podcast and does a great deal of work with women to expand their libido.

Maraya Brown Facebook Page

Maraya Brown Facebook Group

Maraya Brown on Instagram

Maraya Brown on LinkedIn

Maraya Brown on TikTok

Maraya Brown YouTube Channel


The podcasts available on this website have been produced for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. Listeners should take care to avoid program content which may not be suited to them.

The contents of this podcast do not constitute medical or professional advice, No person listening to and/or viewing any podcast from this website should act or refrain from acting on the basis of the content of a podcast without first seeking appropriate professional advice and/or counseling, nor shall the information be used as a substitute for professional advice and/or counseling. The Women’s Vibrancy Code Podcast expressly disclaims any and all liability relating to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all contents of this site.

About Maraya Brown:

Maraya is a Yale and Functional Medicine Trained CNM, MSN with her
undergraduate degree in marketing. She helps women feel turned on by their life, their lover and themselves. Her work online brings her 21 years of experience supporting women together in one place to co-create deep transformation, energy and passion. Maraya is the founder of this Podcast and does a great deal of work with women to expand their energy, hormones, libido, confidence and much much more.