19. Irritability & Anxiety for Women, Maraya’s Story of Miscarriage

Today’s episode is a little different than our typical conversations that are filled with nitty-gritty solutions and action steps. Maraya is opening up about her story in hopes that other women can relate with it and find triumph in their own journey with irritability, depression and miscarriage. As you listen, whatever struggle you are currently in the midst of or whatever trauma has been a part of your past, those setbacks can be viewed as a setup for finding your passions and getting to a place of being turned on by your life, lover and yourself!


  • [02:10] Maraya’s experience with irritability, thyroid and adrenal issues
  • [08:00] Maraya’s miscarriage story
  • [12:33] Fear of taking leaps and investing in yourself
  • [17:14] The common struggle with anxiety
  • [20:06] Triumph over irritability


  • Life is not happening to us. It is happening either for us or by us. We have the opportunity to view every set back as a set up for growth and to turn sorrow into triumph.
  • About 80% of women have a miscarriage at some point in their life, but often no ones knows because it happens in the first trimester.
  • If you’re not getting the solutions that you’re looking for with health concerns like anxiety, don’t stop advocating for yourself. You deserve a provider who looks at you as the beautiful multi-faceted ever-changing being that you are and who can get you personalized supplementation and solutions.


Episode 11: Tracking Your Cycle: How to Move, Work and Eat While Honoring Your Cycle

Vibrant Life Workshop – Register to learn more about why what you’ve tried has not worked, to see your path to results and to be reminded that your vibrant life is there and ready for you. You simply need the right solutions, support and road map.


Maraya Brown is a Yale and Functional Medicine Trained CNM, MSN with her undergraduate degree in marketing. She helps women feel turned on by their life, their lover and themselves. Her work online brings her 21 years of experience supporting women together in one place to co-create deep transformation, energy and passion. Maraya is the founder of this Podcast and does a great deal of work with women to expand their energy, hormones, passion, confidence and much much more.

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DISCLAIMER: The podcasts available on this website have been produced for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. Listeners should take care to avoid program content which may not be suited to them.

The contents of this podcast do not constitute medical or professional advice, No person listening to and/or viewing any podcast from this website should act or refrain from acting on the basis of the content of a podcast without first seeking appropriate professional advice and/or counseling, nor shall the information be used as a substitute for professional advice and/or counseling. The Women’s Vibrancy Code Podcast expressly disclaims any and all liability relating to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all contents of this site.

About Maraya Brown:

Maraya is a Yale and Functional Medicine Trained CNM, MSN with her
undergraduate degree in marketing. She helps women feel turned on by their life, their lover and themselves. Her work online brings her 21 years of experience supporting women together in one place to co-create deep transformation, energy and passion. Maraya is the founder of this Podcast and does a great deal of work with women to expand their energy, hormones, libido, confidence and much much more.