23. What Causes Brain Fog In Women? Let’s Cover Solutions.

Today’s topic on the Women’s Vibrancy Code is brain fog! Do you ever find yourself struggling to place a word and the word won’t come, or you find it difficult to stay engaged in a conversation? These are common symptoms of brain fog that we’ll be discussing along with looking at some solutions. For some women, it’s as simple as increasing sleep, decreasing stress, and improving gut health. However, Maraya also talks about brain fog as it relates to depression, perimenopause, and thyroid conditions. If you struggle with brain fog, listen up for helpful feedback and tips on how to increase mental clarity.


  • [01:42] Symptoms of brain fog and how it relates to sleep
  • [06:12] High stress, food intake, and slowing down to speed up
  • [12:10] Perimenopause and distinguishing between depression or brain fog
  • [23:00] Gut health and toxic load
  • [28:17] Hydration and blood sugars
  • [32:25] Thyroid conditions


  • A main cause of brain fog might simply be sleep quantity and quality. One way to increase sleep quality is to start limiting caffeine intake. Ideally there would be no caffeine in your body. But if you’re not ready for that, make sure that caffeine is only in the morning.
  • Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between depression and brain fog. And often if we’re experiencing brain fog, exhaustion or sadness, we have a propensity to isolate ourselves. Whether it’s brain fog or depression, isolation won’t help. When we try to do it alone, it does us a disservice.
  • Decreasing stress will increase mental clarity. Get out of a fight, flight or freeze mode, by scheduling in moments where you can feel calm. Take a moment to take a deep breath. Drink some water. Take a pause and plan out your day.


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Vibrant Life Workshop – Register today for your free roadmap to living a vibrant life and getting solutions to your struggles around exhaustion, depression, hormones and passion.  Also join to learn more about why what you’ve tried has not worked, to see your path to results and to be reminded that your vibrant life is there and ready for you. You simply need the right solutions, support and road map.


Maraya Brown is a Yale and Functional Medicine Trained CNM, MSN with her undergraduate degree in marketing. She helps women feel turned on by their life, their lover and themselves. Her work online brings her 21 years of experience supporting women together in one place to co-create deep transformation, energy and passion. Maraya is the founder of this Podcast and does a great deal of work with women to expand their energy, hormones, passion, confidence and much much more.

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The contents of this podcast do not constitute medical or professional advice, No person listening to and/or viewing any podcast from this website should act or refrain from acting on the basis of the content of a podcast without first seeking appropriate professional advice and/or counseling, nor shall the information be used as a substitute for professional advice and/or counseling. The Women’s Vibrancy Code Podcast expressly disclaims any and all liability relating to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all contents of this site.

About Maraya Brown:

Maraya is a Yale and Functional Medicine Trained CNM, MSN with her
undergraduate degree in marketing. She helps women feel turned on by their life, their lover and themselves. Her work online brings her 21 years of experience supporting women together in one place to co-create deep transformation, energy and passion. Maraya is the founder of this Podcast and does a great deal of work with women to expand their energy, hormones, libido, confidence and much much more.