43. Allowing The Wisdom Of Your Intuition To Uplevel Your Vibrancy | feat. Heather Alice Shea

In today’s episode of The Women’s Vibrancy Code, Maraya chats with the CEO and founder of Atmana Academy, Heather Alice Shea, about the power of your intuition. They discuss how intuition is simply having the ability to ask yourself about, and align to, your core beliefs.  In other words,  being open to what exactly you believe in and stand for in addition to speaking, consulting, and learning from your inner sentinel who is there to watch and guide you. Most importantly, however, they dive in on how our feelings, and our response to those feelings, are a choice.

Also in this episode

  • How you can decipher your thoughts, feelings and fears from your inner sentinel/guard
  • Why the engine for our intuition is our emotion and emotional well-being
  • How being in harmony with your intuition helps increase DHA and decrease Cortisol
  • The difference between ego based fear and challenge based fear
  • 6 quick steps to harness your intuition
  • The difference between illogical and non-logical processes in your thinking

About Heather Alice Shea

A former psychotherapist turned master coach, Heather Alice Shea is the CEO and Founder of Atmana Academy, the world’s first life coach training school specifically for intuitive life coaches. Her passion is teaching aspiring healers and coaches how to master superior coaching skills and cultivate their intuition for a bolder business and a bigger bottom line. Using her research-supported methodologies that yield faster results, she’s helped hundreds of clients across five continents launch practices that generate the freedom and flexibility that they desire and deserve.

Her work has been featured in top publications like Spirituality & Health Magazine, Brainz Magazine, Mind Body Green, Elephant Journal, and Best Self Magazine. Heather holds a Master of Science Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. When not working, she loves running on the beach and advocating for mental health and human rights via her charitable organization, Free Humanity Foundation.

Connect With Heather Alice Shea

Website: https://www.heatheraliceshea.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/atmanaintuitivecoachcollective

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heatheraliceshea

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heatheraliceshea/

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About Maraya Brown:

Maraya is a Yale and Functional Medicine Trained CNM, MSN with her undergraduate degree in marketing. She helps women feel turned on by their life, their lover and themselves.  Her work online brings her 21 years of experience supporting women together in one place to co-create deep transformation, energy and passion. Maraya is the founder of this Podcast and does a great deal of work with women to expand their energy, hormones, libido, confidence and much much more.

DISCLAIMER: The podcasts available on this website have been produced for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. Listeners should take care to avoid program content which may not be suited to them. The contents of this podcast do not constitute medical or professional advice, No person listening to and/or viewing any podcast from this website should act or refrain from acting on the basis of the content of a podcast without first seeking appropriate professional advice and/or counseling, nor shall the information be used as a substitute for professional advice and/or counseling. The Women’s Vibrancy Code Podcast expressly disclaims any and all liability relating to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all contents of this site.

About Maraya Brown:

Maraya is a Yale and Functional Medicine Trained CNM, MSN with her
undergraduate degree in marketing. She helps women feel turned on by their life, their lover and themselves. Her work online brings her 21 years of experience supporting women together in one place to co-create deep transformation, energy and passion. Maraya is the founder of this Podcast and does a great deal of work with women to expand their energy, hormones, libido, confidence and much much more.