Hate the Scale? Free Yourself!

Scale~ Love it or hate it? Oh God, my relationship to the scale could make or break my day. The scale was not only a device to weigh my body; it decided if I was worthy of self-love. It decided if I was allowed to have a good day. The scale permitted me to eat or not to eat. The number on the scale could drive me to tears and crazy dieting.
The Grief Journey: An Online Writing Course

When my son Koa died and it was my time to grieve, I found that I didn’t know how, and that our culture no longer knows how to support it —that it in fact actively suppresses grieving. As I traveled the world and journeyed within to find my way in grief, I realized that part of my life’s work is to help others find their way in their own Grief Journey. The Community of Grievers that came together in my own grieving process was one of my most important resources, so the course participants will form a virtual community, sharing their expressions as we move together in a course journey of learning to grieve and heal through honest sharing and personal transformation.
Who Needs Sleep? Tips for Improving Your Sleep Habits.

After your diet and supplements, the most important things for your health are sleep and exercise. Both are important medicine. Sleep is when we heal. If you stub your toe in the morning, you repair it at night, during restorative sleep. Sleep seems to be the ONLY time our brains detoxify; hence that foggy-headed feeling when you don’t get enough deep sleep. Most of us are sleep deprived; if you need to use an alarm clock, you probably are too. Make it a priority to get at LEAST 7 hours of sleep per night, but ideally 8 or 9.
4 Seasons in 4 Weeks: Tap into your monthly rhythmic intelligence

If I had known then what I know now, I’m pretty sure I would have turned my entire hormonal experience (every single month since “first bleed”) into a badass, rite-of-passage—something to get better at each time, a pilgrimage into my self-knowing, a daily practice of cycle-tracking skill and a deepening into my genetic & spiritual remembering. I think I would have loved the bigger picture intention of universal sisterhood and the need for each female to focus and step into her rightful place of honor.
The Things We Cannot Change: On Loss & the Journey Through Grief

“Outwardly, everything appears as it was before, this house, this husband, these children, yet I don’t know what I’m doing here and I don’t remember the woman who created all of this. Who was she and where did she go? Is she coming back?” “I just want to get back to my life,” I told my sister, who had called to check in. “I feel so lost!”
Honoring Grief

We recently sat down with Victoria Markham to talk about the work she does with women who are grieving. Victoria is a unique and powerful guide, teacher and educator and now filmmaker. She has set aside the mainstream way of “qualifying” herself with a list of degrees and certifications for a more personal, heart-centered delve into who she is so that you get a sense of her and where her work as a guide springs from.
Motherhood, Breastfeeding, Sex & Justin Timberlake

I am a mother… I became a mother at 18 and I had three children by the time I was 23. Yes, I know, I was still just a baby. I was younger than my three oldest children currently are. I was so young that I almost feel raising my first three babies was the beginning of ‘me’. If you’re reading this you are most likely a mom, or at least planning on becoming one someday so I’m just going to give you my truth, woman to woman. There has been nothing in my life that has triggered me more, stretched me as often, brought me to my knees in surrender, held up the mirror of truth (not always pretty), or asked that I become a better version of myself more than my role as mother to my children. There is also nothing in my life that has brought me more joy.